Here are a few lines of poetic verse in rather dated English style, that will make more sense to us after reading Mk.4:35-41 and Acts 27:13-44.
Fear not!
“It was not so just now! I turned aside
With aching head, and heart, most sorely bowed;
Around me cares and griefs in crushing crowd,
While icily rose the sense, in swelling tide,
Of weakness, insufficiency, and sin,
And fear, and gloom, and doubt in mighty flood rolled in.
That rushing flood I had no strength to meet,
Nor power to flee; my present, future, past,
Myself, my sorrow, and my sin I cast.
In utter helplessness at Jesus’ feet;
Then bent me to the storm, if such His will.
He saw the winds and waves, and whispered,
‘Peace, be still! ‘ “
Now we may contemplate the words of Rom.8, which says in part:
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.